
How To Draw Iron Man Step By Step Full Body

Step up to your best body!

Our dream-body routine combines fat-zapping cardio and curve-creating toners so you can sizzle and sculpt in a single quickie session. Consider this your stairway to a heavenly new you.

Step up to your best body

  • Image may contain Rock Human Person Sport Sports Outdoors Exercise Working Out Fitness and Nature

    Lunge and curl

    Works: biceps, butt, thighs

    Stand facing stairs with a weight in each hand. Lunge forward, placing left foot one or two steps up so left thigh is parallel to ground, and curl weights toward shoulders (as shown). Push off left foot to return to start. Repeat on right for one rep. Do reps.

  • The extender

    Works: shoulders, upper back, abs, butt, calves

    Stand on edge of stair, heels hanging off, with a weight in each hand. Rise onto balls of feet as you raise arms out to sides at shoulder level (as shown). Slowly lower to start; repeat. Do reps.

  • Hip hooray

    Works: hips, shoulders, triceps, back, abs, butt, thighs, calves

    Stand with left side near base of staircase, a weight in each hand. Place left foot onto first step, knee bent, and raise arms out to sides at shoulder level, elbows bent 90 degrees (like a goalpost), palms forward. Straighten left leg as you press arms overhead and lift right leg to the side, foot flexed (as shown). Release to goalpost position, stepping right foot down. Do reps. Switch sides; repeat.

  • Works: biceps, butt, thighs

  • Staggered pliĆ©

    Works: shoulders, upper back, chest, butt, thighs

    Stand with left side near base of stairs, holding one weight in both hands. Place left foot on first step, knee soft, toes turned out. Squat as you raise weight to chest level (as shown). Lower arms and straighten legs; repeat. Do reps. Switch sides; repeat.

  • Spider woman

    Works: shoulders, triceps, chest, abs, hips, butt

    Start in push-up position with hands shoulder-width apart on the first or second step and toes on floor or landing hip-width apart. Bend elbows 90 degrees, lowering chest toward stair; pause, then bring right knee toward right elbow as far as you can comfortably go (as shown). Return to start. Repeat on opposite side for one rep. Do reps.

  • Basking beauty

    Works: shoulders, triceps, chest, abs, butt, thighs

    Sit on edge of stair, hands at sides, fingers forward, knees bent 90 degrees, feet flat. Use arms to lift your seat off stair. Lower body until elbows are bent 90 degrees. Straighten arms as you lift hips toward sky, creating a straight line from shoulders to knees (as shown). Lower to bent-elbow position; repeat. Do reps.

SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.

How To Draw Iron Man Step By Step Full Body


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